New Fatwa Issued Against Donkey Illegally Going Abroad

By | January 18, 2025

The religious school in Lahore, Jamia Naeemia, has issued an official religious ruling, known as a fatwa, which is a guide for Muslims on how to follow Islamic teachings in specific situations. In this case, the fatwa addresses the issue of illegal immigration.

Dr. Mufti Raghib Hussain Naeemi and Mufti Imran Hanfi, leaders at the school, have declared that using illegal methods to travel to other countries is not acceptable in Islam. They emphasize that Islam forbids any actions that could endanger one’s life, including attempting to travel illegally which might involve risky and life-threatening situations.

The fatwa also addresses the issue of agents who charge money to help people travel illegally. It declares such practices wrong and calls for governmental action against those who exploit individuals wanting to travel by putting them in dangerous situations.

In summary, the fatwa from Jamia Naeemia advises Muslims to avoid illegal travel and use only lawful and safe methods to go abroad, in line with both legal and Islamic principles.

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